Ohio law refers to drunk driving as operating a vehicle impaired. An OVI conviction results in mandatory jail time as well as other penalties. Drivers who are facing an OVI court date should review the common questions offenders ask about this charge. What is Ohio's...
Criminal Defense
What are a juvenile’s rights during arrest?
The juvenile justice system differs in many ways from the adult system. Juveniles often receive different treatment due to their status as a minor and the fact they have certain rights an adult does not have. Some of this is easy to see during the arrest process. For...
Should I plead guilty to a DUI?
If a person faces charges for driving under the influence, they may experience pressure to plead guilty to make things easier for themselves. What a person facing charges may not realize is the full consequences of pleading guilty. What are the full consequences of...
What are the penalties for Ohio drug crimes?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ohio is among the states with the most average annual drug overdose deaths. Depending on the type of substance and the amount, a drug conviction in Ohio can result in fines, jail time and other penalties. ...
Fighting a speeding ticket could save you money
Speeding is something that happens on roadways all the time. While it may seem like a minor infraction, speeding is a factor in most accidents. Law enforcement, therefore, tries to maintain speed limits and will pull you over if they catch you going over the posted...
How the police and the courts deal with juvenile crimes
Cases involving minors do not go through the same justice system as adult cases. There are, however, exceptions in situations where they commit serious offenses; the court may treat such cases as felonies. The court will only consider other cases as misdemeanor...
Does your child have a right to legal counsel in juvenile court?
If your child has been charged with a crime in Ohio, there are certain procedures that the courts must follow for juveniles that are different from adult criminal proceedings. The ability of juveniles to waive their right to legal counsel has some specific...
When does the state try juveniles as adults?
The juvenile and adult criminal justice systems are quite different in Ohio. The juvenile system focuses on rehabilitation and helping the person change his or her life. The adult system focuses on punishment and removing the person from society. Due to the difference...
Ohio’s sex trafficking law hurts victims
Sometimes laws have unintended consequences. This is true for Ohio's sex trafficking law that seems to make victims into perpetrators. While society should stand up for and assist a victim of such a crime, Ohio law stands out in the nation as a big misstep in this...
What do I need to know about the insanity defense?
Due in part to its popularity in crime fiction and on the big screen, many people in Ohio think of the insanity defense as a foolproof tactic when facing criminal charges. Unfortunately, this is far from true. The insanity defense is rarely used in court and its...