When you are already struggling to stay on top of your bills and finances, receiving calls and threats from creditors is highly unnerving. While regular calls from credit card companies and other creditors may prove stressful, you may be feeling the pinch even more if...
Month: March 2020
Fighting a speeding ticket could save you money
Speeding is something that happens on roadways all the time. While it may seem like a minor infraction, speeding is a factor in most accidents. Law enforcement, therefore, tries to maintain speed limits and will pull you over if they catch you going over the posted...
Can a car crash blind you?
Have you ever thought about how much you use your eyes on a daily basis? From the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night, you constantly rely on your eyes to tell you where you are, what surrounds you and how to get from point A to point...
The hazards of nighttime driving: What you should know
Even after the sun sets in Ohio, vehicles still fill the roadways. Whether traveling home from work, running errands or going out to have dinner with your friends, you may have to navigate the roads at night. According to AAA, drivers are three times more likely to...