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Common questions about Ohio OVI

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2020 | Criminal Defense

Ohio law refers to drunk driving as operating a vehicle impaired. An OVI conviction results in mandatory jail time as well as other penalties.

Drivers who are facing an OVI court date should review the common questions offenders ask about this charge.

What is Ohio’s blood alcohol limit?

The OVI blood alcohol content threshold for Ohio is 0.08%. If convicted, the driver will receive a minimum of three days in jail, $375 in fines and a six-month license suspension. The legal limit is 0.02% for drivers younger than 21.

Ohio also has high-tier penalties for drivers arrested with BAC of 0.17% or above. For a first offense, a driver will receive a minimum of six days in jail for a high-tier OVI. He or she must also have a special restricted OVI license plate upon reinstatement of driving privileges.

Does a driver have to take a breath test?

Drivers consent to a breath test when they travel on Ohio roads. If a driver refuses a breath test, he or she will receive a 12-month license suspension on top of any OVI penalties.

What happens with more than one OVI conviction?

Drivers who get another OVI after the first are subject to additional penalties. The court may require a convicted driver to pay for substance use disorder testing and treatment if indicated. Second and third OVI convictions carry higher fines, extended jail time and longer license suspension periods.

The lookback period for OVI in Ohio is 20 years. That means a driver will receive elevated penalties for a subsequent conviction after any OVI in the past two decades. For driver’s license suspensions associated with OVI, the court will look back 10 years.