Are you drowning in debt? Many circumstances can render you unable to meet all your financial obligations. Fortunately, if you find yourself in over your head, you can file for bankruptcy protection. There are two types of personal bankruptcy, and both offer you a...
Bankruptcy can put a stop to these 3 actions
Are you drowning in debt? Many circumstances can render you unable to meet all your financial obligations. Fortunately, if you find yourself in over your head, you can file for bankruptcy protection. There are two types of personal bankruptcy, and both offer you a...
Are medical bills a common reason to file for bankruptcy?
If you currently feel overwhelmed by medical debt, you may wonder how many other people struggle with the same problem. Unfortunately, many people simply do not have adequate health insurance to cover all medical issues that may arise. Because of this, medical debt...
What should I know about bankruptcy credit counseling?
When you file for bankruptcy, you must complete two different credit counseling programs. One you will complete prior to filing, and the other you must complete prior to your discharge. The Federal Trade Commission explains that you must choose a government-approved...
Can I buy a car after bankruptcy?
After bankruptcy, you will slowly want to rebuild your credit. One of the best ways to do this is to secure a car loan. You will likely get many solicitations from auto salespeople trying to sell you a car after your bankruptcy. While you can buy a car after...
Will I lose my home if if file bankruptcy?
There are many myths associated with bankruptcy. One of the most enduring this is that if you file for bankruptcy, you will lose your home. The reality is much more complex than this. It is possible to lose your property through bankruptcy, but most of the time this...
Your bankruptcy may provide the foundation to a better future
Filing for bankruptcy in Ohio may cause you to feel uncertain about your future and your ability to recover financially. However, if leveraged the right way, bankruptcy may allow you the chance to strengthen your financial foundation and prepare for a better future....
Comparing debt relief programs to Chapter 7 or 13
Debt relief companies often capitalize on the fear associated with bankruptcy to sell lower monthly payments and forgiven balances. After all, why would reasonable Ohio residents struggling with debt consider destroying their credit and losing everything when there is...
Can I still buy a home after bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy can create a financial hurdle for many Americans. And while some may think these setbacks are permanent, that's not always the case. Even those who file for bankruptcy can still reach many of the financial milestones of others who don't, like buying a home....
Will bankruptcy get rid of all of your debt?
If you are dealing with drowning debt and are considering filing for bankruptcy in Ohio, you may be wondering whether or not it will solve your financial problems permanently. While bankruptcy may allow you to get rid of a bulk of your debt, depending on the type of...