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What is a trace-back case?

On Behalf of | Aug 19, 2019 | Dui Defense

Holding people accountable for drunk driving is one of the only ways to combat it. Penalties in Ohio for drunk driving are stiff, but drivers are not the only people the state is holding accountable for drunk driving. When it comes to fatal or serious DUI accidents in the state, officials often trace back the source of the driver’s intoxication, according to the Dayton Daily News. These trace-back cases lead to establishments facing consequences of serving a customer to the point of intoxication.

Trace-back cases can lead to fines, license suspension and criminal charges, depending on the case. Special state agents handle the investigation into such situations. They gather information necessary to prosecute.

This process helps to hold establishments accountable and prevent them from overserving guests, which can help decrease the number of intoxicated people on the roadways. It also helps to uncover underage sales. It holds them to higher standards and lets them realize the role they may play in DUI accidents that kill or seriously injure people.

The actual result of an investigation, whether administrative or criminal, depends on what the investigators discover. It also depends on the case at hand and the circumstances. The final decisions on penalties lay with the court and other ruling agencies.

Trace-back cases have been going on for many years. However, it has been within the last eight years that they are being utilized so often. Investigations are thorough and careful to ensure that an establishment really does have some fault. This information is for education only, and it is not legal advice.