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Does mediation make a difference during divorce?

On Behalf of | Sep 17, 2018 | Divorce, Firm News

As you prepare to get divorced from your spouse in Ohio, you are facing a future of uncertainty as you untangle everything that has become shared between the two of you since the start of your marriage. Often, this equates to shared assets, financial accounts, property and a host of personal belongings that may have significant sentimental value to both you and your partner. Working through the backlog of items requiring separation can be incredibly daunting, time consuming and costly if you do not go about it the right way. 

If you and your spouse are like many divorcing couples, one of the primary reasons you are seeking to dissolve your marriage is because you have been unable to make amends regarding consistent disagreements. Because of this, it may be less-than-ideal to assume that you will be able to reach amicable agreements about how shared assets should be split. Fortunately, you have the option of using mediation to help expedite the process of making these decisions. This valuable resource can help provide objectivity as you and your spouse work toward settling how things should be split. However, it is critical that you maintain a degree of flexibility and acknowledge that not every outcome will be exactly as you had hoped. 

According to Money Crashers, one of the primary reasons that you may consider using mediation is to help reduce the emotional trauma that often accompanies a divorce. Other reasons include the possibility of being able to maintain a cordial degree of communication with your former spouse, the chance to save money and the chance to reduce the time it takes to settle your divorce in a court setting. 

The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.